So, today, I told myself I would write about something positive.
That was until, I did nothing all day. I went for a run. But apart from that, I did absolutely nothing. I sat at home and did nothing.
Isn't it sad that, however unintentionally, we let life slip by like that. Instead of having a good time, or, going out, making the most of everything, we do, almost literally, nothing.
Now, I know that we can't be out, having a good time 24/7. It is just not possible. But, surely, sittig around for a day is not a good habit.
Now, as I told myself, I will move on to something positive. That was just a little rant at myself to make something more of life at this particular moment. No biggie.
Something positive... Something positive...
How good are friends? Hmmm
What about that exercise? No...
Well, I guess all that I feel like writing about in a positive frame of mind is that I am quite a happy at the moment so that is a positive. I have a great job which I enjoy attending which I have been in for a week, and, I think anyway, that I am quite good at. I guess, like everyone, I have great friends. Wow, it really is so much harder to write about something positive than it is to write about anything negative.
So, I don't want to be the fatherly advice giver, or anything, but make the most of your life, and enjoy it. Really enjoy it. Work hard, play hard. And, don't sit around watching TV all day. Unless you want to write a blog post about it. Then, I guess, feel free. But, do some exercise or something as well, I don't want you to die. Oh, and eat healthily.
if only blogs had a like button.