So, I started University today. And, it's good. It really is. But, my word, is it easy to get lost in a crowd so big. Not even just to get lost physically, but, to lose yourself, to conform into what everyone else. I really admire those who are willing to stand out and be themselves. In my opinion, those that change themselves to fit into a crowd are some of the least confident people going around... not to mention, somewhat despicable. If you do, genuinely, enjoy what the vast majority does, then, feel free, be my guest. But, I cannot stand it when I see someone radically alter themselves to fit in with a particular person, or particular group of people.
This was not my thought when walking around Uni, mind you. It was the opposite. It was the admiration of those, wandering their way through the maze of people and the labyrinth of shadows descending from the buildings, who stood out. Those who, were willing to show the vast expanses of the campus who they are, and who they want to be. But, it was this that got me thinking... "Who in this crowd is showing who they truly are? Who here is hiding something from, literally, thousands of people?" I pondered, and I pondered, but there is no surefire to figure it out. There isn't even a method which could accurately predict most people who are/were acting fake. But, I guess that isn't for me to worry about, unless it is causing said person feelings of sadness, incompleteness, loneliness etc. In which case, it should be everyone's problem. But, in the end, there isn't much I can do about that.
Which, brings me to my final interesting note in this post. Isn't it strange that we can feel so alone, even in such a large crowd of people. Whereby, proximally, we are not alone at all. Not even close.
I guess, I will leave you that to ponder with. In the meantime, enjoy this demotivational poster from Personally, I enjoy the mixed feelings that arise from the humorous/non-humourous double entendre that is created. But, I guess that's just the smart person in me... Just enjoy.